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Top 100 List for when kids say I'm Bored! at Legacy Toys

Top 100 List for when kids say I'm Bored!


Top 100 List for when kids say I'm Bored!

"I'm bored!", the two little words that you may here a little more often in the coming weeks. Boredom, believe it or not, can actually be a positive thing, rather than a negative one. Some experts say boredom is essential for kids because it leads to increased creativity and helps your child to grow in important ways.

If your child is bored they are forced to come up with their own ways to entertain themselves, it gives them the opportunity to look inside and think about their own interests and passions.
It's important to remember that a child saying that they are bored doesn't really mean that they have run out of things to do, It means that what they see in front of them isn't stimulating or interesting. It may also be a sign that they just need some adult attention.
We have come up with a top 100 list of fun ideas for you to do as a family or to suggest to your kids when they are "bored." Some with links to items we carry right in our stores. 
  1. Have a Scavenger Hunt
  2. Get outside & Collect Bugs
  3. Study a spider web
  4. Create an Indoor or Outdoor Obstacle Course
  5. Setup 3-legged races
  6. Wash the dog or pet that you have (as long as it's not a fish)
  7. Go Stargazing
  8. Play silly pranks on brothers or sisters (or mom & dad)
  9. Plant a garden for spring
  10. Camp out in the living room or basement
  11. Build a bird house or feeder
  12. Make a paper hat
  13. Make a paper boat and see if it floats
  14. Decorate an old or new T-shirt with fabric markers
  15. Send postcards to family, friends or seniors
  16. Setup a Finger painting station
  17. Make your own Play-doh
  18. Make a necklace out of beads or pasta
  19. Make clay charms
  20. Have a fashion show
  21. Go outside and make giant bubbles
  22. Learn to Hula Hoop
  23. Learn to Jump Rope
  24. Decorate your bedroom
  25. Have a PJ Party
  26. Find shapes and animals in the clouds
  27. Create a short movie or a play to perform for your family
  28. Make up a fantasy adventure story
  29. Make decorations, curate a playlist, and throw a family dance party
  30. Practice tongue twisters
  31. Learn to juggle
  32. Create a house of cards
  33. Make paper airplanes and fly them with your friends
  34. Make Hopscotch out of masking tape
  35. Play Freeze Tag
  36. Play Hide and Seek
  37. Play Red Light, Green Light
  38. Make sock puppets
  39. Learn to play Domino trains
  40. Dye Shaving Cream with food coloring
  41. Create a musical instrument out of recyclable materials
  42. Make a box town out of old cardboard boxes
  43. Play cats in the cradle
  44. Have a picnic on the living room floor
  45. Learn clapping games like Miss Mary Mack
  46. Learn a new Card Game like Phase 10, UNO or Dos.
  47. Setup a Board Game Night
  48. Look at old pictures and pick out your favorites
  49. Watch old home movies
  50. Learn to make soap
  51. Build a blanket fort
  52. Tell scary stories in the dark
  53. Go outside for a hike (don't forget to bring water)
  54. Build a fort outside
  55. Learn sign language
  56. Build a house with toothpicks or popsicle sticks
  57. Walk the dog
  58. Bake some treats for your neighbors
  59. Play chess or checkers
  60. Play charades or Pictionary Air
  61. Have a bubble gum-blowing contest
  62. Learn a new cake recipe. (set up a camera and film a cooking show)
  63. Make a mancala counting game with an egg carton.
  64. Design and go on an indoor treasure hunt.
  65. Make ice cream in a bag
  66. Dress up in your best clothes and have a fancy dinner.
  67. Make friendship bracelets
  68. Make rock candy
  69. Create your own bingo cards and have a bingo tournament
  70. Practice origami, or the art of paper folding
  71. Play indoor volleyball or soccer with balloons
  72. Make your own popsicles
  73. Have a tea party
  74. Play the Floor is Lava with our Liquid Floor Tiles
  75. Snuggle on the couch and read your favorite books
  76. Have a pillow fight
  77. Paint with Kool-Aid
  78. Make a scrapbook
  79. Build  a jigsaw puzzle
  80. Create creatures out of pipe cleaners
  81. Play hangman or tic-tac-toe
  82. Make a time capsule and bury it where you'll remember in the future
  83. Build a couch cushion cave
  84. Throw a birthday party for your favorite stuffed animal
  85. Create a rice play table on a baking sheet
  86. Paint a rock and decorate it
  87. Bake cookies and decorate them
  88. Create your own TV show
  89. Go for a bike ride
  90. Create a gratitude or vision board
  91. Make your own Slime
  92. Write a letter to a soldier or veteran
  93. Make homemade mini pizzas
  94. Create a unique milkshake at home
  95. Learn some new magic tricks
  96. Throw a unicorn party
  97. Play pretend house or dressup
  98. Setup a building competition with Legos
  99. Create a stop motion Lego Movie
  100. Grow your own crystals

We hope this exhaustive list will give you and your kids some great ideas the next time one of them comes up to you and says I'm bored. There are always endless things for kids to do to learn and explore the world around them. This list is far from complete but lets add one last one if your child says they're still bored after going through this list.

101. Make a list of 100 things to do when kids are bored!

We hope this helps you and your family enjoy more time together as you Explore, Imagine and Create!

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